Since my dad died of heart disease at 47, I am always interested in how our diets impact our health. I will write more about this later, but in the meantime, please take five minutes to read about this important study by the Cleveland Clinic. It may not be the fat in red meat that is the big ...
Green Living
The problem with being a produce bargain hunter – when you’re about to go on vacation
One of the problems with having wonderful access to inexpensive produce is that there is a definite tendency to over-buy . . . at least in my household. I know I’m bad about this – when I see something good (and cheap) in the farmers market, I buy it because it may inspire me to do something new ...
Mediterranean Diet Cuts Heart Disease Risks
The well-known pyramid of the Mediterranean diet is one that I often use in my cooking classes and talks. Even if some people shy away from the idea of meatless meals, most have heard that the elements of a Mediterranean diet are much healthier for your heart. Finally, on February 25, 2013, a ...
Fresh Ginger – Made Easy
OK - I may be the last person on the planet to realize this, but I had a revelation tonight while preparing the ingredients for a stir fry for my sweet husband who was on the way back from a Venture Crew event in Gatlinburg. (BTW, a stir fry is a great dish to prepare when you have no idea when ...
Eating Southern Style Without an Increased Stroke Risk
Please read the interesting article in today's Charlotte Observer entitled "Southern diet may be linked to stroke." It confirms what many of us who live in the South know through anectodal evidence. All that sweet tea, soda, fried food, hamburgers, processed meat, bacon, ham, hot dogs, and sugary ...
Be Good to your Basil this Weekend
As summer fades into fall, don’t forget about your precious basil plants. If they are starting to flower and turn woody, you may still be able to get several more weeks of good production if you act now. Go out to your garden and pinch back all of the flowering tops. My plants are enormous by this ...
An Ode to Onions
What is the very first thing you should do when you don't know what to cook? The answer is simple: chop an onion and sauté it in olive oil. 95% of my recipes have this as a first step. Honestly, I can’t count the number of times I’ve called my husband while I am stuck in traffic and said, ...