Some of My Culinary Heroes
There are a lot of chefs and cookbook authors who have influenced my journey as a cook.
Here are my top ten culinary heros:
Who doesn’t love Julia Child? Julia was my first culinary hero, back in the days of the TV show, “The French Chef.” While it’s tempting to choose my well-worn copy of the The French Chef Cookbook as my favorite, The Way to Cook is still my ultimate reference on French cooking.
Frances Moore Lappé’s seminal book, Diet for a Small Planet (20th Anniversary Edition) was a revelation to me when I first read it in 1974. Her passionate explanation of why the modern agri-business practice of feeding grain and soy to cows instead of allowing them to naturally graze has even more relevance today than it did 30 years ago. If you believe that Americans consume too much meat (at 270 pounds per year, we clock in at the second highest level in teh world), do yourself a favor and read her book.
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