Since I’m married to a dyed in the wool Southern carnivore, you can imagine that he loves ribs. Yes, those delectable gnaw the meat off the bones things that aren’t that appealing to me.
But I vowed to try to find my husband something meatless that might be an acceptable stand-in . . .
As luck would have it, I found two new Canadian products recently and we tested both this weekend.
The good news is that one is fairly good – and the other will not ever be bought again by me – even on sale!
First, the good news.
Gardein, one of my favorite brands, has come out with Southern BBQ Riblets. They four rib stack comes in individual pouches, so if you are eating solo, you don’t have to thaw the whole package. (Smart thinking, Gardein!)
They actually kind of look like little ribs and had a good texture and tangy barbeque sauce. (Certainly not as good as any of my homemade incarnations, but perfectly serviceable.) We would definitely try these again.
Now for the bad news.
Sol Cuisine Organic BBG Tofu Ribs will never darken my door again. My husband (God bless him) braved his way through four of the “ribs”, but two was my absolute limit. I couldn’t eat another bite. These clearly tasted like a tofu (which I can deal with), but the sauce was horrible. Bill said that he could’ve poured ketchup over them and it would have tasted better.
So – two Canadian companies made these products. Gardein clearly gets it – I can’t say the same for its competitor.
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